The Hobbs Family Adoption
The Hobbs Family Adoption
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Skyler Hobbs is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi! We are the Hobbs Family!
We could talk about our struggle through infertility, pregnancy loss, IVF which led to our miracle baby Hazel, & life threatening pregnancy complications.. but we would rather focus on the positive! The truth is, adoption has always been on our hearts long before we faced the struggles of growing our family. I (Meagan) felt called as early as 3rd grade learning about orphans in China & some of Skyler’s closest friends are adopted. Our hearts are ready and open for the baby we believe God will place with our family. We have been blessed beyond measure by our almost 2 year old Hazel, but we have so much more love to give! We know Hazel will be the best big sister & we believe a sibling is one of the sweetest gifts you can give your children.
Unfortunately, private infant adoption on average costs more than $50,000. As you can imagine, this is an intimidating number. Why is it so expensive?? Most of these funds are spent on attorneys for both us & the expectant/birth mother, expenses associated with pregnancy and postpartum, medical bills, & emotional support for the expectant/birth mother both pre & post placement. We feel going through an agency, while more expensive, is the most ethical way to protect every party involved.
Fertility treatments to bring our precious Hazel earth side totaled more than $40,000 so we are no stranger to the costs associated with growing a family. We know many of you have given previously and we are so so grateful. If you are not in a position to donate, we believe the power of prayer is our greatest tool! We know God will make a way if this is His will.
We humbly ask that you remember our family & the potential family we will be matching with. More specifically, prayers for a smooth journey with an expectant mother who feels at peace with her decision. We pray for the hearts of all involved. It is not lost on us that in order for our family to grow, a mother will return home with empty arms. Above all, we pray this child grows up never doubting that they are loved beyond measure. “Every good & perfect gift is from above..” (James 1:17)
Thank you in advance for any donations and/or prayers! Becoming parents has been our greatest joy. We can’t wait to pour our hearts into another precious miracle if we are blessed with the opportunity!
With love,
Skyler & Meagan
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Skyler Hobbs is organizing this fundraiser.